研究 Laboratories



College of Health Sciences Basic 研究 Muscle Laboratories

康复(RHB)和健康科学博士课程的基础科学(湿)实验室约占5个,000 square feet on the 4th floor of the Wethington building, and are part of the Center for Muscle Biology (CMB; jlmmzt.yakitoricururu.net/chs/muscle), directed by Dr. Charlotte Peterson. The CMB is home to 35 members, 代表了来自火狐体育下注校园的5个学院和10个系,获得了大约1400万美元的校外研究资金. The mission of the CMB is to support and integrate basic, clinical and translational research on muscle throughout the University of Kentucky. 目标是了解影响整体健康的调节肌肉结构和功能的机制, 制定新的策略,以提高身体机能,防止损伤后以及面对慢性疾病和衰老时的虚弱和功能独立性丧失.

The laboratories of Drs. Esther Dupont-Versteegden, 克里斯托弗·弗莱和夏洛特·彼得森配备了最先进的设备,对啮齿动物和人类肌肉组织进行细胞和分子生物学分析. 实验室里有几个组织培养设备,用来研究分离的原代肌肉细胞. Human tissue and primary muscle cell lines are stored in the CMB Human Muscle Bank.  Shared equipment includes QuantStudio3 real time PCR detection system, BioRad ChemiDoc MP imaging system, and ZetaView (R) Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis system.

Dr. Tim Butterfield’s muscle mechanics lab contains animal 跑步机, 与集成肌电图和高速摄像系统,以测量体内的运动学和动力学, 以及定制制造的用于测量啮齿动物肌肉被动和主动机械性能的组织加载装置和仪器, 已.  完整的奥罗拉肌肉生理系统允许在孤立的机械性能测量, 整个肌肉, including force-frequency, force-velocity, and force length, and permits additional measurements of fatigue, calcium sensitivity, rate of tension rise and recovery, passive muscle stiffness, and break length. 该实验室还包含定制制造的机械治疗设备(仪器化的人类和动物按摩设备),用于应用和量化人类和动物骨骼肌的外部机械负荷.


College of Health Sciences Translational 研究 Laboratories

Dr. 布莱恩Noehren, 人类行为实验室(HPL)和生物运动实验室(位于邻近的多学科科学(MDS)大楼)主任, 见下文), has his Biomotion Computer Lab on the 4th floor of Wethington near the wet labs, 从志愿者身上获得的生物力学数据建模和分析在哪里进行.

The Neuromotor Control & Rehab Lab is located across the hall. 神经运动控制和康复实验室装备精良,可以评估平衡和姿势控制缺陷. The lab has 10 cameras (Motion Analysis, 圣罗莎, CA), a 7 x 3 surface perturbation treadmill with overhead safety harness (Activestep, Symbex, 黎巴嫩, NH), 7 sensor Opal inertial measurement unit (IMU) system (APDM, 波特兰, OR).

Located in the MDS building, HPL在一楼占地约1365平方英尺,在地下室占地1765平方英尺, the latter housing the Biomotion Lab. HPL体现了转化科学,研究人员来自健康科学学院, 教育, 医学, 从生物力学的机械研究到尖端的物理治疗治疗,在工程领域并肩工作. 一楼的实验室包含专门用于评估各种活动的生物力学的空间,从基本任务(如从坐到站的转换)到高级任务(如全速执行跑步切割运动). The Biomotion Lab contains two separate areas, 一个致力于收集步行和跑步生物力学与一个复杂的力测量跑步机, motion capture cameras, as well an isokinetic dynamometer. 生物运动实验室的另一个区域包含一个功能齐全的物理治疗诊所,有专门的空间用于抵抗和耐力运动设备, 治疗 plinths and exam rooms. The two spaces provide a unique environment to mechanistically test new 治疗s, and also serve as the University of Kentucky Running Clinic. 这个专业诊所允许来自社区的跑步者来收费,并评估他们的跑步形式和/或受伤情况. Major equipment in the HPL includes: Keiser resistance exercise equipment, cycling ergometers, 跑步机, Bertec and AMTI force measurement platforms, Bertec Instrumented treadmill, Biodex dynamometer, 20 Motion Capture Cameras, Delsys EMG equipment, 加速度计, novel instrumented insoles and 12 computer workstations.


Laryngeal and Speech Dynamics Laboratory

指导:博士. Richard Andreatta, the LSD lab (700 sq. ft.致力于研究人类声道在说话和发声过程中的感知和生理机制.  该实验室目前支持许多方面的研究,这些研究共同解决了声音功能和语音产生的综合性质.  研究 lines include sensory perception, orofacial and laryngeal physiology, 语音分析, and basic research in laryngeal muscle biology in animal models.  该实验室拥有一系列全面的技术,可以记录和分析呼吸系统, 发音, and neuromuscular subsystems during a variety of dynamic and static speech/voice tasks.  该实验室配备了几个刺激和转导系统,包括:(1)用于三叉神经-面部通路机械诱发反射研究的伺服直线电机, (2)用于体感知觉和运动相关门控研究的精密振动触觉传递系统, (3) an automated muscle force assessment workstation for analyzing lip, jaw and tongue muscle performance skills in vivo, (4) kinematic transducers for various orofacial motion tracking applications, and (5) state-of-the-art tools for visual imaging of vocal function, acoustic analysis of the voice signal (CSL), 以及声音产生(PAS)的空气动力学评估,包括呼吸(Respitrace)和声门气道测量. 在实验室空间内建立的法拉第展台可用于肌电图和诱发反应研究.


Sports 医学 研究 Institute

火狐体育下注运动医学研究所(SMRI)是一个最先进的研究中心,其使命是开展跨学科研究,以优化预防, 治疗, and rehabilitation of injuries and performance. SMRI的愿景是成为运动医学研究的领导者,使人们能够实现长期的健康和健康. Initially created from a collaboration that includes the College of Health Sciences, 火狐体育官网入口, 火狐体育下注体育运动, and the College of 医学, the SMRI is focused on research, 外展, and service within four specific initiatives: Active Duty/Veterans, 体育运动, Active Women’s Health, and Jockey and Equestrian.

The SMRI believes in instilling, 培养, and fostering an altruistic, 以导师为基础的文化,使学生和教师受益并发展成为他们专业领域的未来思想领袖. SMRI在本科阶段为学生提供内部和外部的应用研究机会和经验, master’s and doctoral levels. SMRI与CHS康复科学博士课程保持一致,并通过研究生研究助学金和博士生指导提供学生资助,为研究培训提供机会. 研究经验也提供给学生就读于CHS本科研究证书课程.