研究 & Scholarship Support Program


The Office of 研究 and Scholarship (ORS) has a strong commitment to helping new, 早期和成熟的研究人员成功地竞争研究经费,并帮助所有教师取得学术上的成功. 该方案的目的是提供一个快速响应调查人员的项目需要,有很高的成功潜力,如果给予正确的试点数据. 它还旨在支持学术产品的开发和传播. Participation in the program provides substantial benefits.


  • 资助对赠款提交、重新提交和出版至关重要的试点数据
  • Mentorship in grantsmanship and scholarship from senior investigators/scholars
  • Funding to help establish new research and scholarly directions
  • Review of aims pages and grant proposals in CHS PI research meeting
  • Funding to send grant proposals out for early external review


全日制健康科学学院所有职称系列的教师都有资格参加该计划, regardless of career stage. 教师 must be active participants in the 研究 & Scholarship Support Program before applying for program funds.


This new initiative features:

  1. Monthly research meetings
  2. Pilot research project funding
  3. Funding for scholarship projects
  4. Post-doctoral research funding
  5. Microgrants to facilitate undergraduate research

Monthly 研究 Meeting

ORS将分享大学教育资助官对OSPA新监管要求的最新信息. We will update faculty on other aspects of the ORS as needed. 会议还将提供一个论坛,以获得关于目标页面和项目的集体早期反馈,以帮助研究人员更有竞争力地获得资助.  所有调查人员都应该提前阅读材料,并提出建设性的反馈意见. The monthly agenda will be determined by what grants are going to be submitted, who is receiving funding from the ORS currently, with preference given to early-stage investigators.

Pilot Projects for Grant Submissions

Requests are fulfilled on a rolling basis as funding allows. 请将下列资料以Microsoft Word文件提供给Brian Noehren (b.noehren@yakitoricururu.net)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@yakitoricururu.net):

  1. 项目标题
  2. Project Abstract (500 words or less)
  3. Brief description of how the pilot funding will strengthen future proposals?
  4. Brief future proposal submission plan.
  5. 预算 & 预算的理由

将优先考虑1)可以在短期内完成的项目,为首次提交提供关键的试点数据,或者是对审稿人意见的回应, 如果解决, will increase the likelihood of funding, 2) have the needed IRB or IACUC approvals, 3) benefit more than one individual, and 4) are being used for a grant application within the year. Special consideration will be given to pre-tenure faculty. 所有申请都要经过ORS人员的行政审查,以确保符合项目原则,并由ADR审查以作出最终的资助决定. 期望是迅速做出资金决定,使PI能够启动.


  • Meet with the departmental Chair to discuss the pilot project
  • 在提交资助申请之前,与ADR会面讨论资助需求. 在可能的情况下, the PI should show how they will leverage existing sources of funds, 包括启动, F & A returns, and departmental resources to contribute to project
  • Attend and participate in monthly research meetings described above
  • ORS基金将直接用于协助提交资助申请。
  • When funded by ORS, investigator must present findings in a CHS research seminar
  • 已建立的调查人员帮助指导任期前的常规头衔或研究头衔的教师
  • Submit summary statements to the ORS
  • Appropriately file paperwork with the ORS for grant submissions
  • Complete all close-out procedures for grants (both internal and external) on time
  • 确认并报告由ORS资助的所有出版物和摘要
  • Promptly return all unspent funds to ORS
  • Report on progress in faculty performance review
  • Use funding within 12 months
  • Additional requirements for early-stage investigators:
  • 与ADR一起参加会议,审查发展和提交赠款的进展情况
  • Meet with faculty research mentor on a regular basis

Pilot Projects for Scholarship

We also seek to help support our non-grant seeking faculty with their scholarship. Grants may be submitted on a rolling basis. 将优先考虑将导致一个以上的可发表单位和项目受益于一个以上的教员. Requests are fulfilled on a rolling basis as funding allows. 如欲申请,请将下列资料以Microsoft Word文件提供给Brian Noehren (b.noehren@yakitoricururu.net)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@yakitoricururu.net ):

  1. 项目标题
  2. Project Abstract (500 words or less)
  3. Brief description of how you plan to disseminate your scholarly work.
  4. 预算 & 预算的理由


  • Meet with the departmental Chair to discuss the scholarship project
  • 在提交资助申请之前,与ADR会面讨论资助需求
  • When funded by ORS, present findings in the research seminar
  • Complete all close-out procedures for grants (both internal and external) on time
  • 确认并报告由ORS资助的所有出版物和摘要
  • Promptly return all unspent funds to ORS
  • Report on progress in faculty performance review
  • Use funding within 12 months

Post-doctoral 研究 Grants

每个博士后学者/研究员可获得4000美元的资助,而他们是CHS的博士后学者/研究员.  将优先考虑用于生成F32资助提交数据的资助或来自相关基金会的类似类型的资助. 拟议的项目将接受试点资金请求中所述的同样的行政审查. 要符合资格, 博士后不得在12个月内从其他机会获得CHS试点资金. 如欲申请,请将下列资料以Microsoft Word文件提供给Brian Noehren (b.noehren@yakitoricururu.net)和贝琪·诺斯鲁普(贝琪.northrup@yakitoricururu.net ):

  1. 项目标题
  2. Project Abstract (500 words or less)
  3. Brief description of how the pilot funding will strengthen future proposals?
  4. Brief future proposal submission plan.
  5. 预算 & 预算的理由


  • The mentor contributes $1000 of the $4000 award
  • The mentor signs off on the grant
  • When funded by ORS, present findings in the research seminar
  • Complete all close-out procedures for grants (both internal and external) on time
  • 确认并报告由ORS资助的所有出版物和摘要
  • Promptly return all unspent funds to ORS
  • Use funding within 12 months

本科研究 Microgrants Incentive Program

The CHS 本科研究 Program (CHS UGR), in partnership with the ORS, 是否启动了一项激励计划,专门鼓励教师为本科生创造新的研究机会. 奖励计划将发放高达300美元的小额赠款,以支持教师在新批准和公布的研究机会中与本科生一起工作. Funds can be used for supplies, or any other expenses directly related to the student’s research work and effort. Funds cannot be used for student travel, 会议费用, 出版费用, 或海报印刷,因为有其他资金可通过CHS UGR办公室用于这些费用.

资格 for Incentive Program:

第一个, 要符合资格, applicants must create and post to the CHS UGR website, an approved research opportunity for undergraduate students. 其次, 研究机会必须是特定学期的“新”才有资格获得奖励,因为该计划的重点是为我们的学生创造比现有更多的机会. Currently open research opportunities are not eligible for the incentive program. 在上个学期“关闭”或“满”的研究机会,现在重新开放给学生参与,有资格获得奖励. 第三, 申请人必须有一名学生研究员,该学生研究员在申请小额资助时已经面试并同意参加新的或重新开放的研究机会. 第四, 申请人必须是CHS的全职教职员工,无论是所有职称系列的终身教职前,还是特殊/临床职称的终身教职后.

如欲申请,请将下列资料以Microsoft Word文件提供给Brian Noehren (b.noehren@yakitoricururu.net) and Richie Andreatta (贝琪.northrup@yakitoricururu.net ):

  • 您的新研究机会的标题已被批准并发布到CHS UGR当前机会网站
  • Student name and ID for whom funds will be used to support work
  • Requested microgrant amount (up to $300 max)
  • 简要说明和详细说明资金将用于直接支持学生的工作.


  • 小额赠款资金将以滚动方式提供,直到这项倡议的年度拨款用尽为止.
  • Funds must be used during the semester they are awarded and cannot be rolled over.
  • 获得小额赠款的申请人同意在学期结束时提供一份简短的总结报告(1段),说明资金的使用情况及其对学生的好处.
  • A given applicant is limited to a maximum total funding amount of $300 per semester.
  • A new application is required for each microgrant request.

研究 & Scholarship Support Program Compliance

未能遵守计划期望的项目资金接受者将丧失获得额外资金的机会,直到符合计划. If a post-doctoral scholar/fellow is not compliant, 他或她的导师也将丧失获得额外项目资助的机会,直到博士后完全恢复合规.

ORS funding cannot be used for:

  • 教职工工资
  • 会议旅游
  • Professional memberships
  • General purpose computing equipment
  • 食品和饮料
  • Speaker fees and/or travel